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「創新香港 - 國際人才嘉年華」


“Innovating Hong Kong - Global Talent Carnival

Terms of application and Exhibition Rules & Regulations

  1. **申請及參展條款 Application and Exhibition Terms**:
    - 申請表格具有法律效力,申請是否被接納取決於多種因素,包括可供使用空間的情況。主辦機構有權分配展覽面積及位置。最終參展費由主辦機構決定。申請將按照遞交日期及過往參與記錄順序處理。
    - Application forms are legally binding and acceptance of an application will depend on a number of factors, including the availability of space. The organizer has the right to allocate exhibition area and location. The final participation fee is determined by the organizer. Applications will be processed in order of submission date and past participation record.  

  2. **展位選擇 Booth Selection**:
    - 參展商可以自由選擇展位,先到先得。保險公司只能選擇第三排及之後的位置。若需選擇前排位置,則需支付額外費用,每往前一排需增加50%的價格。
    - Exhibitors are free to choose their booths on a first-come, first-served basis. Insurance companies can only choose seats in the third row and beyond. If you need to choose a front row seat, you will need to pay an additional fee, and the price will increase by 50% for each row ahead.  

  3. **展位設計 Booth Design**:
    - 特裝展位參展商的展位設計須經主辦機構審批。 "
    - The booth design of raw space exhibitors must be approved by the host organizer.

  4. **參展商資格 Exhibitor Qualifications**:
    - 過去參加「創新香港-國際人才嘉年華」的參展商將獲得優先參展權利。
    - Exhibitors who have participated in the " Innovating Hong Kong - Global Talent Carnival" in the past will be given priority to participate in the exhibition.  

  5. **參展費用 Exhibition Fee**:
    - 參展費用不代表最終費用,最終費用由主辦機構確定。參展商須確保及時支付所需費用至主辦機構指定賬戶。 - - The exhibition fee does not represent the final fee, which is determined by the host organizer. Exhibitors must ensure timely payment of required fees to the account designated by the host organizer.  

  6. **活動取消及延期 Event Cancellation and Postponement**:
    - 若因不可抗力事件(如戰爭、自然災害等)導致活動取消或延期,主辦機構不承擔任何責任。
    - The organizer does not assume any responsibility if the event is canceled or postponed due to force majeure events (such as war, natural disasters, etc.).  

  7. **違規行為處理 Violation Handling**:
    - 若發現參展商濫用參展商證或在展位外銷售等違規行為,主辦機構有權採取處罰措施,包括取消展位電力供應等。
    - If an exhibitor is found to have violated the rules such as abusing the exhibitor card or selling outside the booth, the host organizer has the right to take punitive measures, including canceling the power supply to the booth.


  8. **最終解釋權 Final Interpretation**:
    - 主辦機構保留對上述規則進行最終解釋的權利。
    - The host organizer reserves the right to make final interpretations of the above rules.  


The above rules are intended to ensure the smooth progress of the exhibition, safeguard the rights and interests of all exhibitors, and ensure the fairness and order of the exhibition. Any violation of the above provisions will be dealt with seriously. 


Measures for handling the abuse of exhibitor badges and other violations**  


  1. **濫用參展商證 Abuse of Exhibitor Badge**:  
    - 若主辦方發現參展商濫用參展商證,例如將證件轉借他人或超出證件使用範圍,主辦方有權取消該參展商的參展資格。
    - If the organizer discovers that an exhibitor has misused the exhibitor badge, such as lending the badge to others or exceeding the scope of use of the badge, the organizer has the right to disqualify the exhibitor. 

  2. **展位外銷售 Out-of-booth Sales**:  
    - 參展商在展位外銷售商品或服務屬於違規行為,一經發現,主辦方將要求參展商立即停止該行為,並可能采取進一步處罰措施。  
    - It is illegal for an exhibitor to sell goods or services outside the booth. Once discovered, the organizer will require the exhibitor to stop the behavior immediately and may take further punitive measures. 


  3. **處罰措施 Punishment Measures **:  
    - 對於上述違規行為,主辦方有權採取多種處罰措施,包括但不限於取消參展商的展位電力供應、限制其參展資格、沒收已繳交的參展費用等。具體處罰措施將視情況酌情決定。
    - For the above-mentioned violations, the organizer has the right to take a variety of punitive measures, including but not limited to canceling the power supply of the exhibitor's booth, restricting his participation in the exhibition, confiscating the paid exhibition fees, etc. Specific penalties will be determined based on the circumstances. 


The above rules are intended to ensure the smooth progress of the exhibition, safeguard the rights and interests of all exhibitors, and ensure the fairness and order of the exhibition. Any violation of the above provisions will be dealt with seriously. 


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Tel: 852-3468 8447 

Fax: 852-3563 7982


© 2023 by the Organizing Committee of Innovating Hong Kong. All rights reserved.

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